How to Improve Your Law Blog’s Content Instantly

A law blog can be a great way to establish your expertise, attract new clients, and provide value to your existing clients, which is why 9 out of 10 marketers use blogging to achieve their content marketing goals. In addition, firms with blogs generate 67% more leads each month than those that don’t blog.

However, unless you are an experienced legal blog writer, creating compelling legal content consistently can be challenging. Use the tips below to instantly improve your law blog’s content.

Perform Thorough Keyword Research

The foundation of quality blog content is thorough keyword research. You need to take the time to identify high-search-volume keywords and phrases that relate to your practice areas and target audience.

Don’t just look for general terms like “personal injury lawyer”- instead, find specific, long-tail variations like “personal injury lawyer Boston” or “personal injury lawyer specializing in bicycle accidents”. These longer phrases will be less competitive and more targeted.

Using relevant keywords naturally throughout your posts will improve SEO and help attract more readers searching for your services. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, Ahrefs and Moz can help uncover the best legal content writing terms. Spend time digging into the data these tools provide to ensure you understand search volume and competition for target phrases.

Create Content Clusters Around Themes

Many law blogs publish content randomly without connecting posts together. A better approach is to create content clusters by developing a series of in-depth posts around the same theme or topic. For example, you could write a comprehensive guide on “The Most Common Mistakes in Divorce Proceedings.”

Within this guide, you can have titles like:

  • Failing to Make Complete Financial Disclosures
  • Not Following Court Rules and Procedures
  • Relying on Faulty Legal Advice From Non-Experts
  • Ignoring Tax and Estate Planning Implications
  • Failing to Settle Before Trial

Interlink these posts to boost engagement. Content clusters keep readers interested by providing valuable legal content on a single topic from multiple angles. This approach shows your expertise on a theme better than one-off posts.

Note that while blog posts can educate readers on legal issues, attorneys and law firm blog writers must be careful not to cross the line into giving direct legal advice. Each case has unique facts and circumstances that require personalized counsel from a qualified lawyer. Generic advice in a blog post or article could be detrimental if applied to a specific person’s situation without an attorney’s guidance. Attorneys have an ethical obligation to avoid offering legal advice to site visitors who are not established clients. Blog content should therefore inform generally while urging readers to seek professional legal services for their specific needs.

Interview Industry Experts

Expert interviews are a powerful way to create compelling legal content quickly. Identify leaders in your field like veteran judges, law professors, and experienced attorneys. Reach out and interview them about their insights and experience with your topic.

Transcribe the interviews into long-form blog posts written by legal writers for hire and include lots of quotes from the experts explaining the topics in their own words. Expert interviews add credibility and can generate social shares when the influencers promote them to their own audiences.

Research Trending Topics in the Industry

Consistently check Google Trends, news sites, legal publications, court documents and other resources to find trending topics relevant to your audience. If a new law gets passed, Supreme Court ruling issued, or sensational case unfolding, quickly write insightful legal analysis to capitalize on the search traffic and interest.

Timely posts from law writers on trending legal topics can instantly attract more readers and establish your reputation as a thought leader. But don’t just summarize the news – provide your expert perspectives and analysis.

Optimize On-Page SEO for Each Post

Make sure your blog posts are optimized for search engines as well as human readers. This includes using your target keywords in titles and meta descriptions, adding alt text to images, and interlinking related internal content. Proper technical on-page SEO will improve your blog’s rankings and organic traffic over time.

Don’t forget that local SEO for lawyers is important, too, so include geographical keywords, such as CITY and STATE keywords. For example, if your law firm is based in LA, you could ask your legal content writing service to produce blogs with titles like ‘Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents in Los Angeles, California: Why They’re So Common and Dangerous’.

Consider hiring a legal marketing agency to conduct an on-page SEO audit of your blog and recommend improvements. This can take your legal content writing to the next level.

Promote Content on Social Media

Don’t just publish posts written by a legal blog writer and hope readers find them. Actively promote your legal content writing on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Share blog post links, compelling quotes, and relevant images. Engage followers by asking questions and responding to comments.

Additionally, encourage colleagues, employees, and existing clients to share your content with their networks to expand your reach. Social promotion is critical for getting more eyeballs on your law blogging content.

Use Data From Past Posts

Analyze the topics, headlines, and formats of your highest trafficked blog posts. Then create new content modeled after your most successful pieces. Look for overlapping themes and subjects among popular posts that you can expand on in future legal content writing. Repurposing what has worked can save time while maintaining engagement.

Get Input From Colleagues

Solicit topic ideas and feedback on draft posts from knowledgeable colleagues. Fellow attorneys can suggest relevant issues to cover and point out concepts you omitted or didn’t fully explain. Their insights can strengthen your legal content writing and prevent mistakes.

Interview Past Clients

Interview former clients about their experiences for case study posts. Focus on positives like legal challenges overcome and value provided. Client testimonials and quotes add authenticity and demonstrate real-world impact – 92% of consumers read testimonials and reviews before making a purchase. But ensure client consent and protect confidentiality.

Use Visuals

Insert relevant photos, charts, and graphics to visually engage readers. 78% of marketing professionals say using video in your content will help boost sales. Short blocks of text are less daunting. Infographics simplify complex legal concepts. Images and videos boost social media shares. Visuals make your law blog more interesting and digestible.

Check Analytics and Refine Your Approach

Use Google Analytics to track key metrics like visitors, page views, bounce rates, and traffic sources for each blog post. Study the data to identify high-performing topics and styles to guide future content. If certain posts get low engagement, refine your approach going forward. Monitoring analytics allows you to continually improve your law firm’s blog content.

By following these tips, you can quickly improve your law blog’s content quality and effectiveness. Performing thorough keyword research, creating content clusters, interviewing experts, optimizing SEO, and promoting on social media will instantly boost your law blog.

Contact us today if you need compelling and insightful legal content written by our legal content writing agency. With the help of our legal blog writing service, your blog will soon be enjoying new readers and increased organic traffic to your law firm’s website.

Email us at or fill out the website contact form.

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